Friday, July 27, 2007

"Let's Trade"

During Jesus' life spent on earth, He shared so many profound lessons. I think about these lessons, and how they seem to go against the very essence of the culture we live in today. Like in Matthew 19:30 when he says, "The last shall be first and the first shall be last". Or, when Jesus taught about humility and shared that the way up is down, "to humble yourself."

Last week, Jay and I had opportunity to visit Worlds-of-Fun amusement park in Kansas City, MO. While spending the day there, we were spun, flipped, shaken, flopped, catapulted and turned upside down more times than we care to count. In relating this to a biblical point, God has a way of "turning things upside down" in our lives.

Through Jesus, we can experience this "upside down-ness". He turns "mourning into dancing", "beauty for ashes", "a spirit of despair into garments of praise". He gives "hope for hopelessness", "joy for sadness" and "peace for despair", just to name a few promises. Whatever pain, ailment, or hurt you have in your life, He is asking "Do you want to trade? I'll trade you!"

When I was a little girl, I had a blow-up clown toy that stood about 4-feet high. It was sort-of like a punching bag. You could hit this thing with all you had, and it would wobble and fall over, and then, stand right back up again, because it had weight on the bottom. This reminds me how the enemy tries to attack us. satan punches, jabs, and hits us with all he's got, but, because of "who we are in Christ" we rebound! If we've built our house on the "rock", satan cannot, and will not, win!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Father

At the July 5th Completion Ceremony for Teen Challenge, all three guys who Completed shared incredible testimonies. I was blessed and encouraged by each one. Jay mentioned several times during the message how he wished his dad was present. You see, Jay's father passed away many years ago when he was incarcerated. Instead of attending the funeral in handcuffs and prison attire, Jay, along with his brother, made a decision not to attend.

I know when Jay spoke at the Completion service about wishing his father could be present, he deeply meant it. Growing up, Jay's parents did not attend school activities or little league games. Then, because of the lifestyle chosen for many years, there weren't many celebrations or ceremonies in Jay's honor. To have had his father present at a celebration like Completion, would have made his father proud. Having his father watch the transformation in his son would have been surreal.

As Jay left the platform that day to walk back to his seat, I noticed our son Christopher, who was video taping in the back, walk up to his father in the aisle. I noticed as he whispered something in his ear, and they both looked toward the platform, as smiles and tears appeared simultaneously. Later that evening, I asked what happened. Jay told me Christopher had said, "Dad, your Father is here" and he pointed to the cross!

WOW, the observations of a child.

In pondering that situation for the past few weeks, the Lord's Prayer comes to my mind.

Matthew 6:9-13

"This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

OUR FATHER; our papa; our daddy God; OUR Father - yours and mine. He's The Father to the fatherless and The Husband to the widow.

I remember specific times in my life, that I have been in a large crowd of people and the voice of my child yelling "Mom" is the one sound that grabs my attention. If me, a human parent, leans an ear to my child who calls out, "Mommy, Mom, Mother" I have to wonder how much more does Our Father turn His ear to us as we cry out Father, Daddy, Abba??

He longs to talk with us. He cares about the smallest needs, the deepest pains, and the hardest decisions we face. He loves us with an everlasting love. He leads us beside still waters and He restores our soul. Have you told Him today how much you love Him?? He had told you. He has blessed each of us with a beautiful sunrise this morning, air to breathe and above all, an agape love that has the power to penetrate even the hardest heart.

In closing, I would like to share song lyrics by the group NewSong. God Bless us each and every one.

You're Favorite Name is Father
by: Newsong
album: More Life (2003),
Rescue: Live Worship (2005)

Almighty God
Lord of all creation
Ancient of days
The Holy One
So many names You've given us to call You
But one remains
Your favorite name

Your favorite name is Father
You love to hear Your children calling
You're there to catch us when we're falling
Your favorite name is Father

Eternal King
Alpha and Omega
Jehovah God
The mighty One
So many names You've given us to call You
But one remains
Your favorite name
Abba Father
Holy is Your name
Abba Father
Holy is Your name

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Job, The Timeless Redeemer

I've recently been reading in the book of Job. Job was a man tested beyond belief! I'd like to challenge us with a few excepts from this man's life. The scripture references I have used are from The Message version.

Job 1:6-8 One day when the angels came to report to God, satan, who was the Designated Accuser, came along with them. God singled out satan and said, "What have you been up to?"

satan answered God, "Going here and there, checking things out on earth."

God said to satan, "Have you noticed my friend Job? There's no one quite like him—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil."

1. Job was noticed.

Job was noticed by God and by satan. God is always with you and watching you, but satan only notices you when you are making a difference in God's kingdom.

Challenge: Are you living in such a way that you are noticed by satan? Are you dangerous to the Kingdom?

Standing beside your spouse while walking through the process of Teen Challenge IS making a difference! As we support our husbands along this journey; taking care of our families, and offering support and love, we are making a difference in The Kingdom!

Job 1:13-15 Sometime later, while Job's children were having one of their parties at the home of the oldest son, a messenger came to Job and said, "The oxen were plowing and the donkeys grazing in the field next to us when Sabeans attacked. They stole the animals and killed the field hands. I'm the only one to get out alive and tell you what happened."

2. Job lost his ability to worship.

satan attacked Job's livestock. In those days, their offerings and blood sacrifices were their act of worship. satan stole Job's ability to worship. If satan can touch your worship, he can touch everything else.

I know this season of life is not ideal. I know if we would have had a choice, we would not have chosen this path. But, reality is, and here we are.

Challenge: How's your worship life? Are you actively worshipping the Lord t-h-r-o-u-g-h this season of your life?

Make a decision to not allow satan to rob you of your worship. We worship the Lord because that is what we were created to good times and in bad times.

3. Job received restoration and a double portion.

Job 42: 10-11 After Job had interceded for his friends, God restored his fortune—and then doubled it!

One of my favorite quotes is by Isreal Houghton, who has written many worship songs that we sing in our churches today. He says, "If you turn to the back of the book....WE WIN!!"

This is true! We do win! We are overcomers! Job did receive restoration. In fact, he received double: double blessings; double anointing.

Throughout the book of Job, Job experienced periods of waiting; waiting on a miracle, waiting on God's promise, waiting for breakthrough, waiting, waiting. We only wait for what we value.

Challenge: Seek the giver, not the gift, and the blessings will follow.

4. Job's sacrifices were generational blessings.

Job 42: 12-15 God blessed Job's later life even more than his earlier life. He ended up with fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand teams of oxen, and one thousand donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. He named the first daughter Dove, the second, Cinnamon, and the third, Darkeyes. There was not a woman in that country as beautiful as Job's daughters. Their father treated them as equals with their brothers, providing the same inheritance.

Job persevered and he was blessed, but the blessings did not end with Job. He had seven sons and three daughters. And his daughters received an equal inheritance, along with beauty.

Believe that the sacrifices our husbands are making will be blessed for generations and generations to come.

We all have the ability to leave a legacy for our children and grandchildren. We have the choice to leave generational blessings or generational curses. Personally speaking, my family has had enough of generational curses. The line has been drawn in the sand. Because we have made a decision to live for the Lord, and walk in His authority, we DO NOT have to receive the generational curses the enemy wants to pass down through our family. Lies like, "everyone in our family is an alcoholic", "all in our family struggle with anger and rage", "this is the 5th program we've been through and our life will never change", and the list of lies could go on and on.

BUT, in John 10:10, Jesus says, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Final Challenge: Today, choose to walk in the full life Jesus promised. Today, begin to release generational blessings. Believe in His promises of love, provision, mercy and forgiveness, and if you need encouragement at times, turn to the back of The Book and remember that WE WIN!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Isaiah 43:18 (The Message)

"Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new.

It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands"...

In no way do I wish to diminish the accomplishment set before my family and in no way am I setting myself above. I am humbly sharing myself with you. I pray that the One who inspired the words written herein, will bring peace and encouragement to all of us. I have walked this path thus far, sharing my trials and success's all along, why would I stop now?


Until you pass through these waters, you might not understand what I am referencing here. As I write this devotion, I cannot help but think about how tomorrow marks the date to turn the page on this chapter of my life. I think deeply about what tomorrow holds and how different tomorrow will be. Tomorrow, life as I have grown accustomed to, will change. Tomorrow, my husband will return home after being gone for the past 16 months. Tomorrow, Jay will Complete Teen Challenge.

The day I have prayed for, hoped for, believed for, and longed for has come. The day that 16 months ago, seemed like an eternity away, has arrived. Tomorrow, I will make the 3-hour drive from St. Joseph to Colfax, much like I did 16 months ago; only this time, my husband will accompany me home on the return trip. Tomorrow, feet will be put to my professed faith. I will no longer "just believe for the day", but I will revel in the day that has come! Tomorrow, my faith will be put into action.

I am full of emotions and questions. Am I excited? Absolutely! Am I nervous? Absolutely! As I attended church on Sunday, friends asked me if I was excited, to which of course I said, "Yes!" Many went on their way without another thought, but some saw beyond my surface words. They looked deep into my eyes and into my soul, and said, "'re hesitant!" To which I replied, with tear-filled eyes, "yes." Because of their love for me, they shared a bit longer; they prayed for me, they stopped by with ice cream to continue to encourage me; and they reassured me to trust in the Lord! That's what is so awesome about Godly friends, they listen, and they point you to the One who can help the most.

Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I am extremely proud of my husband. God ia accomplishing a mighty work in his life. I am thankful, and grateful, and proud! But, the feelings and the questions remain....I believe my husband has changed, but have I?

Will my husband, who is a new creation, be returning to a wife who is the same as when he left?

Will I know how to appropriately turn over the responsibility I have had to take on in my husband's absence?

Just how much do I really trust God??

...."What if"....

This has been a week of battles...battles that attempt to rage havoc in my mind. Here we are, at the end of this journey, but the truth is, this is only the beginning! The beginning of a new chapter; the beginning of a new course; the beginning of blank pages that my husband and I and our Lord have the opportunity to write together.

What are my options? Well, the only option I will allow myself to ponder is the one I KNOW I am equipped to do. With the Lord's help, I will step through this door. Tomorrow, my husband will return home, and we will walk this journey out, together. The truth is: I am afraid; I have apprehensions; BUT, with the Lord's help, I will walk & I will stand!

How will I choose to conqeor my fears?? The answer is: by doing it! Plan and simple. There's no other way. Am I afraid? Yes, but then, I'LL DO IT AFRAID!! God's Word says in Psalm 56:3, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."

If there's one thing this journey has taught me, it's that I am not to rely soley on my feelings. I have written about, spoke about, and prayed about this day; tomorrow, I will look out the windshield of my life to a new and untraveled highway. I will use my rear view mirror only to remind myself where I've been; I will not gaze into the yesterday's of the past and attempt to drive forward. When you live in the past, you miss out on so much of the present. I will trust the wisdom of the One whose Word promises a "road through the desert."

Thank you for sharing this journey with me!!!