Wednesday, October 25, 2006

One Night with the King

I clearly remember the day I got married (both times). They were beautiful, fit for a princess. I was young, naive, and blind (both times). I see how my mind is being transformed from the "fairy tale" idea of marriage, to the pure essence of who I was created to be in Christ.

Recently, I had opportunity to watch the motion picture "One Night with the King", the story of Hadassah. I've read and studied this book in the Bible, but seeing it on the big screen, even if Hollywood style, takes it to another level. Watching the scenes unfold, witnessing the seize-the-day opportunity that ONE WOMAN took. The courage and prayers in Esther's life changed history for her people, as well as people for generations to come.

I want to encourage you with this question to ponder...
What difference will you allow your courage and prayers to make??

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