Tuesday, May 31, 2011
In Memorial
Memorial Day: A time to honor those who have gone before us and touched our lives in such ways that have made lasting impressions upon our hearts...
This past memorial day, we honored my boys father and my former husband. Instead of electing to honor him by visiting the place he died, we choose to honor a place he lived. Our fondest memories as a family were shared at Teen Challenge. We received permission to plant a tree in his honor at their facility.
The 3 hour drive there was filled with many of the same emotions as it was 5 years ago, when Jay became a student. Both drives, and the many drives in between, I remember the underlying peace surrounding the vast array of other emotions. It is the peace in the still small voice that continues to assure me it would be all right, and that my future is secure in His hands.
After we joined hands in a circle of prayer around the site for the planting, the sun peeked out from behind the shade trees, and the boys broke ground. A peaceful wind blew memories from the past through my mind and the boys continued to dig. Shovel after shovel of dirt mounded on the grass beside the location we were gifted. Precious memories that were buried deep within me began to resurface.
God is so very good. He gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. Grace. Strength. Mercy. Forgiveness. Hope. Healing. Ann Voskamp writes: 'He gifts with seeds as small as moments, grace upon grace, the unlikely here and now ... Do not disdain the small. Our enough is always in the now...'
The planting continued. On our knees we took soil in the palm of our hands, dirt crumbled through our fingers as memories flooded through our minds. Emotional. Loving. Grateful. Releasing. Peace. Moving the tree to its' place. Taking such delicate care step by step. Packing the soil beneath. Then mulch. Then sod. Just so. Stakes, driven through earth to hold future growth secure. It had to be right. Honorable. Respectable. Proper.
Earlier while still at home, we had asked the boys to choose a stone from our rock garden. We had referred to the rock as 'Ebenezer' but had not elaborated on it. As we were almost ready to leave the site, I read a passage from 1 Samuel 7:12: "Samuel took a single rock and set it upright between Mizpah and Shen. He named it "Ebenezer" (Rock of Help), saying, "This marks the place where God helped us.
How fitting. How true. Teen Challenge days provided incredible training for our family. Faith grew. Miracles happened. Healing occurred. I have uploaded a letter (see post titled 'Letter') and an article (see post titled 'New Creations') that elaborate more about things Jesus did through Teen Challenge is us and through us. Although things might not have worked out the way we all thought it would, God is still in control and has orchestrated a beautiful woven tapestry. We are indeed blessed; each of us.
As we loaded up to return home, I was reminded that yes, we were leaving the planting site ... however, memories can stay tucked in your heart forever. Ebenezer marks the spot where God helped us. He helped us then, He helps us now, and He will help us tomorrow. Our family shares a wonderful, rich legacy.
Well done. In Memory. Jay Rhoden.
New Creations
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come
2 Corinthians 5:17
New Creations
March 10, 2006 marks a day that a pivotal shift occurred in our family. This day, a refining process of new beginnings was set in motion as my husband and I drove from St. Joseph, Missouri to Colfax, Iowa. This day, my husband became a Student at Teen Challenge of the Midlands.
Truthfully though, it wasn’t until this day, March 12, 2006 that generational curses stopped and generational blessings began. You see, this day was the day my husband died. He didn’t die, per se, from his physical life; he just turned over complete control to the One who created his life. He removed himself from the throne in his heart and asked Jesus to come and live in that place. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” To me, the most precious part of that sentence is the “ , ” (the comma). On March 10, 2006, my husband had life, but on March 12, 2006, he received life more abundantly!
Our history together dates back 15 years. We married in 1992 and had our firstborn son soon after. As a young, naïve, 18-year old wife and mother, I had lived a pretty sheltered life to this point. During our dating season, I experimented with alcohol; still to this day, I have never used any drugs. One night after work, my husband didn’t come home. This really wasn’t surprising to me as many nights this happened. However, days went by and there was no sign of him. Eventually, I received a collect call from a correctional facility and found out that my husband had been arrested and was awaiting trial. He was eventually convicted of a Felony Charge for 1st Degree Armed Robbery which carried a 10-year sentence. I was devastated. By the grace of God, he received a 120-day sentence to a treatment facility. After he completed this program, he was placed on probation and returned to our home. I hoped that was enough of a wake up call and everything would be ok.
But the cycle continued – the honeymoon period, the excessive controlling, the abuse, the drinking, the drugs, and the co-dependency issues. Time passed and my husband was arrested for a DWI. Of course this broke his probation, and he was sentenced to another 120-day treatment center. Once more, I thought things would be different when he returned. I believed in the “hope of change” rather than actually what was real. I saw my life as a fairy tale through rose colored glasses and believed that if I just pretended hard enough, everything would turn out. But, each time my husband would return home, we honeymooned for a bit and then both returned to our old patterns of behavior.
Soon, I became pregnant with our second son. Again, I hoped things would change. Still, the cycle continued. Once more my husbands’ actions broke the conditions of his probation and this incident caused him to serve out the remainder of his original 10-year sentence.
By this time, we both decided we had been through enough and divorced. He went to a prison behind bars of steel and I went to a prison of my own. I began to attend church regularly; however, inside my heart, I was broken, hurt and lonely. I desperately searched for love and acceptance. I knew of Jesus; I sang about Him, I even presented Him well to others, I just didn’t KNOW Him, truly KNOW Him. This began a season of sin in my life; I desperately wanted to find something to fill the aching hole in my heart. I tried to keep this area of my life truly hidden in the dark, until, one day, I was tired of living in the self-induced prison I was in and was determined to find freedom. I brought this into the light with the help of a close friend. She prayed with me and I sincerely committed my life to the Lord. God, being the perfect fit to the hole in my heart, had been waiting, patiently for an invitation all along. I began to heal. This took time, patience, forgiveness, and grace, but the Lord was faithful then, and has continued to be to this day.
Soon after this, our Pastor began a sermon series on “Faith”. I truly wanted to live my life for Him and I realized that “without faith it was impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). The boys and I talked about what they had faith for in their lives and they replied, “We have faith for a dad.” I thought to myself, “Great, you get a dad, I get a husband” so we prayed diligently about that.
Little did I know God was orchestrating a miracle. The boys’ dad, my ex-husband, was soon released from prison. Seven years had passed. He was a Christian. He was the answer to our prayers. I have to admit, honestly, I laughed at first. I reminded God that I had previously tried this husband, and it didn’t work, but God gently reminded me that His ways are not our ways. God usually doesn’t answer prayers in the way we think He should, His answers to our prayers are perfect!
After receiving counsel with our Pastor, we remarried in 2003. However, just because we had become Christians didn’t mean the struggles would magically go away. We still had hooks of sin in our souls; hooks that the enemy would tug on and the cycle of sin would repeat. We were Christians, but we truly hadn’t died to our own selfish desires. We had accepted Jesus, but we were trying to share the throne with Him. We were living life before the “ , ” of John 10:10. Yes, we had life, but we were not living in His abundance.
In March 2006, much to our dismay, the cycle again repeated. My husband was a patient at our local hospital’s mental health ward and had been placed on a suicide watch as he had wrecked his truck under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Again, we faced unknown circumstances about the outcome of our marriage. The lifestyle choices my husband made to this point, grimly reminded me of paths we had walked years prior. The remembrances of white-knuckled promises to change, of lies about where he had been for days on end, of missing items from our home taken to pawn shops, of numerous nights I peered out the window as my heart skipped a beat with the sound of any vehicle passing by, the wondering if this or that treatment center, counseling session, program or class would be “the one” that worked. It was during this time of brokenness that we heard about Teen Challenge of the Midlands.
On March 10, 2006 as we voluntarily entered Teen Challenge, an array of emotions attempted to overtake me. I felt relief that I knew where my husband was sleeping at night. I felt grief as I began the process of “letting go of the old.” I felt fear as the burden of raising our boys fell onto my shoulders. I felt hope as I believed this was a new chapter of our lives. I felt freedom as I surrendered my family to the Lord. I felt peace as I anticipated the “new creation” the Lord was preparing. I felt panic as I faced a mountain of debt well over $13,000.
Nonetheless, regardless of my feelings, the Lord provided for us in incredible ways during the first few weeks of Teen Challenge. One example of God’s provision was that at our 2-week visit I was able to share the miracle that our $13,000 debt had been demolished! We praised God together and agreed that the Lord was confirming the decision we made to commit to the length of the Teen Challenge program.
Looking back, the 16-months spent at Teen Challenge were not without difficulty, but God never promised things would be easy. HOWEVER, He did promise that if we let Him, He would walk the journey with us and carry our burdens. During each visit, each phone conversation, each Wives Weekend, and each 7-day pass, I could see the Lord purging, transforming, and infilling our entire family. Trials continued to arise, but the difference was the way our family handled those trials.
2 Corinthians 5:17 confirms this transformation, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”
I believe my husband’s journey was as much for me as it was for him. During the time he spent at Teen Challenge, the Lord began a transforming work in my life as well. With my husband away, I had only myself to look at, as issues I previously attributed to my husband’s actions didn’t cease. I had to accept responsibility and then take action. Even this day, I choose to humble myself and allow the Lord to refine me.
Now that my husband has completed the program and returned home, the process of change continues. We both are walking through a rebuilding process as we begin to mesh the “new creations” the Lord has made in each of us. Sure, there are times that old feelings attempt to creep back in, but we are determined to “trust the God that lives in the other” as we walk this out, together. “A cord of 3 strands is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Today, we choose to live abundant life as new creations to the left of the comma. Because of who He is and what He has done, our family has forever been changed…for generations and generations yet to come. As the Lord has walked us through these trials, we believe He will use them as we proclaim the Lord’s Favor as in Isaiah 61. We believe that He has anointed us to preach good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. We are a blessed people; blessed to be a blessing!
Thank you for celebrating the Lord’s victory with us!!
Jody Rhoden
2 Corinthians 5:17
New Creations
March 10, 2006 marks a day that a pivotal shift occurred in our family. This day, a refining process of new beginnings was set in motion as my husband and I drove from St. Joseph, Missouri to Colfax, Iowa. This day, my husband became a Student at Teen Challenge of the Midlands.
Truthfully though, it wasn’t until this day, March 12, 2006 that generational curses stopped and generational blessings began. You see, this day was the day my husband died. He didn’t die, per se, from his physical life; he just turned over complete control to the One who created his life. He removed himself from the throne in his heart and asked Jesus to come and live in that place. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” To me, the most precious part of that sentence is the “ , ” (the comma). On March 10, 2006, my husband had life, but on March 12, 2006, he received life more abundantly!
Our history together dates back 15 years. We married in 1992 and had our firstborn son soon after. As a young, naïve, 18-year old wife and mother, I had lived a pretty sheltered life to this point. During our dating season, I experimented with alcohol; still to this day, I have never used any drugs. One night after work, my husband didn’t come home. This really wasn’t surprising to me as many nights this happened. However, days went by and there was no sign of him. Eventually, I received a collect call from a correctional facility and found out that my husband had been arrested and was awaiting trial. He was eventually convicted of a Felony Charge for 1st Degree Armed Robbery which carried a 10-year sentence. I was devastated. By the grace of God, he received a 120-day sentence to a treatment facility. After he completed this program, he was placed on probation and returned to our home. I hoped that was enough of a wake up call and everything would be ok.
But the cycle continued – the honeymoon period, the excessive controlling, the abuse, the drinking, the drugs, and the co-dependency issues. Time passed and my husband was arrested for a DWI. Of course this broke his probation, and he was sentenced to another 120-day treatment center. Once more, I thought things would be different when he returned. I believed in the “hope of change” rather than actually what was real. I saw my life as a fairy tale through rose colored glasses and believed that if I just pretended hard enough, everything would turn out. But, each time my husband would return home, we honeymooned for a bit and then both returned to our old patterns of behavior.
Soon, I became pregnant with our second son. Again, I hoped things would change. Still, the cycle continued. Once more my husbands’ actions broke the conditions of his probation and this incident caused him to serve out the remainder of his original 10-year sentence.
By this time, we both decided we had been through enough and divorced. He went to a prison behind bars of steel and I went to a prison of my own. I began to attend church regularly; however, inside my heart, I was broken, hurt and lonely. I desperately searched for love and acceptance. I knew of Jesus; I sang about Him, I even presented Him well to others, I just didn’t KNOW Him, truly KNOW Him. This began a season of sin in my life; I desperately wanted to find something to fill the aching hole in my heart. I tried to keep this area of my life truly hidden in the dark, until, one day, I was tired of living in the self-induced prison I was in and was determined to find freedom. I brought this into the light with the help of a close friend. She prayed with me and I sincerely committed my life to the Lord. God, being the perfect fit to the hole in my heart, had been waiting, patiently for an invitation all along. I began to heal. This took time, patience, forgiveness, and grace, but the Lord was faithful then, and has continued to be to this day.
Soon after this, our Pastor began a sermon series on “Faith”. I truly wanted to live my life for Him and I realized that “without faith it was impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). The boys and I talked about what they had faith for in their lives and they replied, “We have faith for a dad.” I thought to myself, “Great, you get a dad, I get a husband” so we prayed diligently about that.
Little did I know God was orchestrating a miracle. The boys’ dad, my ex-husband, was soon released from prison. Seven years had passed. He was a Christian. He was the answer to our prayers. I have to admit, honestly, I laughed at first. I reminded God that I had previously tried this husband, and it didn’t work, but God gently reminded me that His ways are not our ways. God usually doesn’t answer prayers in the way we think He should, His answers to our prayers are perfect!
After receiving counsel with our Pastor, we remarried in 2003. However, just because we had become Christians didn’t mean the struggles would magically go away. We still had hooks of sin in our souls; hooks that the enemy would tug on and the cycle of sin would repeat. We were Christians, but we truly hadn’t died to our own selfish desires. We had accepted Jesus, but we were trying to share the throne with Him. We were living life before the “ , ” of John 10:10. Yes, we had life, but we were not living in His abundance.
In March 2006, much to our dismay, the cycle again repeated. My husband was a patient at our local hospital’s mental health ward and had been placed on a suicide watch as he had wrecked his truck under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Again, we faced unknown circumstances about the outcome of our marriage. The lifestyle choices my husband made to this point, grimly reminded me of paths we had walked years prior. The remembrances of white-knuckled promises to change, of lies about where he had been for days on end, of missing items from our home taken to pawn shops, of numerous nights I peered out the window as my heart skipped a beat with the sound of any vehicle passing by, the wondering if this or that treatment center, counseling session, program or class would be “the one” that worked. It was during this time of brokenness that we heard about Teen Challenge of the Midlands.
On March 10, 2006 as we voluntarily entered Teen Challenge, an array of emotions attempted to overtake me. I felt relief that I knew where my husband was sleeping at night. I felt grief as I began the process of “letting go of the old.” I felt fear as the burden of raising our boys fell onto my shoulders. I felt hope as I believed this was a new chapter of our lives. I felt freedom as I surrendered my family to the Lord. I felt peace as I anticipated the “new creation” the Lord was preparing. I felt panic as I faced a mountain of debt well over $13,000.
Nonetheless, regardless of my feelings, the Lord provided for us in incredible ways during the first few weeks of Teen Challenge. One example of God’s provision was that at our 2-week visit I was able to share the miracle that our $13,000 debt had been demolished! We praised God together and agreed that the Lord was confirming the decision we made to commit to the length of the Teen Challenge program.
Looking back, the 16-months spent at Teen Challenge were not without difficulty, but God never promised things would be easy. HOWEVER, He did promise that if we let Him, He would walk the journey with us and carry our burdens. During each visit, each phone conversation, each Wives Weekend, and each 7-day pass, I could see the Lord purging, transforming, and infilling our entire family. Trials continued to arise, but the difference was the way our family handled those trials.
2 Corinthians 5:17 confirms this transformation, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”
I believe my husband’s journey was as much for me as it was for him. During the time he spent at Teen Challenge, the Lord began a transforming work in my life as well. With my husband away, I had only myself to look at, as issues I previously attributed to my husband’s actions didn’t cease. I had to accept responsibility and then take action. Even this day, I choose to humble myself and allow the Lord to refine me.
Now that my husband has completed the program and returned home, the process of change continues. We both are walking through a rebuilding process as we begin to mesh the “new creations” the Lord has made in each of us. Sure, there are times that old feelings attempt to creep back in, but we are determined to “trust the God that lives in the other” as we walk this out, together. “A cord of 3 strands is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Today, we choose to live abundant life as new creations to the left of the comma. Because of who He is and what He has done, our family has forever been changed…for generations and generations yet to come. As the Lord has walked us through these trials, we believe He will use them as we proclaim the Lord’s Favor as in Isaiah 61. We believe that He has anointed us to preach good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. We are a blessed people; blessed to be a blessing!
Thank you for celebrating the Lord’s victory with us!!
Jody Rhoden
June 29, 2007
Dear Mr. ______:
As I’m sure you are well aware, Jay’s Completion Service is very soon. I wanted to take this opportunity to return something to Teen Challenge that has been precious to our family throughout this season of our lives. The scripture reference is found in Zechariah 4, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubabbel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubabbel you will become level ground. Then, he will bring out the capstone to shouts of “God Bless it! God Bless it!” Please allow me the liberty to explain:
During our very first visit to Teen Challenge in late March 2006, our boys, Christopher and Boston, were not on the best of terms with their father. As our family visit was winding down and we were preparing to leave, I remember Jay asking us to join hands and pray together. Our boys were so bitter they wouldn’t participate; nonetheless, Jay and I prayed together anyway. On the walk down to our car, I went ahead as Jay and the boys lagged behind talking. I peered back, and out of the corner of my eye I saw that our oldest son was crying. I watched as his father embraced him, and then I saw him bend over and pick up a rock from the gravel path.
My first thought was, “Oh no, he’s got a rock”, but he looked as if he had picked up a prize as he placed this rock deep into his pocket. By this time, we all were crying as we said our goodbyes and drove away. The only sound was the quiet tears and runny noses; that was until we got into Des Moines traffic. In the middle lane of I-80, I heard, “Mom, look at this rock!” I smiled to myself as I really wasn’t able to give the rock the “look” he truly wanted, but I played along anyway and said, “Ok, I see it.” He went on, “This is like my dad isn’t it? On one side of this rock, it’s really bumpy, jagged and sharp, that’s just like my dad before he left for Teen Challenge, but on the other side, it’s smooth, even and level, that’s just like how my dad will be after Teen Challenge, right!” Tears began to fill my eyes as I realized the changes beginning to take shape in my husband were evident to our children. It was a reminder to me of the redeeming power of our Father God who longs to heal our rough places and make us smooth again.
Since that day, we have proudly displayed this rock in our curio cabinet with other priceless family treasures. We have used this rock for the past 16 months as a focal point to pray for Jay while he has been at Teen Challenge. I realized a few weeks ago, that we won’t need this rock any longer. The next best thing to having a rock to remind us to pray for Jay, is having Jay himself! It is with the utmost humility and respect that I thank you! Thank you for allowing our family the opportunity to grow and learn during this season, and thank you for allowing us to “steal” this rock from the grounds so long ago. This experience has truly changed our lives!!! We will do as the above scripture instructs and continue to proclaim freedom to shouts of “God Bless It, God Bless It!!”
In His Love-
Jody Rhoden
Dear Mr. ______:
As I’m sure you are well aware, Jay’s Completion Service is very soon. I wanted to take this opportunity to return something to Teen Challenge that has been precious to our family throughout this season of our lives. The scripture reference is found in Zechariah 4, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubabbel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubabbel you will become level ground. Then, he will bring out the capstone to shouts of “God Bless it! God Bless it!” Please allow me the liberty to explain:
During our very first visit to Teen Challenge in late March 2006, our boys, Christopher and Boston, were not on the best of terms with their father. As our family visit was winding down and we were preparing to leave, I remember Jay asking us to join hands and pray together. Our boys were so bitter they wouldn’t participate; nonetheless, Jay and I prayed together anyway. On the walk down to our car, I went ahead as Jay and the boys lagged behind talking. I peered back, and out of the corner of my eye I saw that our oldest son was crying. I watched as his father embraced him, and then I saw him bend over and pick up a rock from the gravel path.
My first thought was, “Oh no, he’s got a rock”, but he looked as if he had picked up a prize as he placed this rock deep into his pocket. By this time, we all were crying as we said our goodbyes and drove away. The only sound was the quiet tears and runny noses; that was until we got into Des Moines traffic. In the middle lane of I-80, I heard, “Mom, look at this rock!” I smiled to myself as I really wasn’t able to give the rock the “look” he truly wanted, but I played along anyway and said, “Ok, I see it.” He went on, “This is like my dad isn’t it? On one side of this rock, it’s really bumpy, jagged and sharp, that’s just like my dad before he left for Teen Challenge, but on the other side, it’s smooth, even and level, that’s just like how my dad will be after Teen Challenge, right!” Tears began to fill my eyes as I realized the changes beginning to take shape in my husband were evident to our children. It was a reminder to me of the redeeming power of our Father God who longs to heal our rough places and make us smooth again.
Since that day, we have proudly displayed this rock in our curio cabinet with other priceless family treasures. We have used this rock for the past 16 months as a focal point to pray for Jay while he has been at Teen Challenge. I realized a few weeks ago, that we won’t need this rock any longer. The next best thing to having a rock to remind us to pray for Jay, is having Jay himself! It is with the utmost humility and respect that I thank you! Thank you for allowing our family the opportunity to grow and learn during this season, and thank you for allowing us to “steal” this rock from the grounds so long ago. This experience has truly changed our lives!!! We will do as the above scripture instructs and continue to proclaim freedom to shouts of “God Bless It, God Bless It!!”
In His Love-
Jody Rhoden
Friday, May 20, 2011
The invisible me
Behind the walls of strength and might
lies a fragile soul; a desperate sight.
As those shielding barriers give way
the soul lies vulnerable throughout its’ day.
Changes, worries, people’s thoughts,
all wreak havoc on the loss.
Harsh terms spoken or words unsaid,
desire at times this soul be dead.
But God in His remarkable love
is reaching down from Heaven above,
to heal this soul and make it new,
to purify it through and through.
This painful process aches and stings;
but this soul knows He is the King.
So as the walls have crumbled down,
through the rubble, there lies the crown.
Princess ~ Daughter ~ Gifted One
Not my will but Thine be done!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Cupped Hands
Just when the devil (that's devil with a little bitty 'd') almost has you convinced that you are used up, unable to serve, no good, too fat, too old, no longer worthy of service to the Kingdom, Almighty GOD (that's GOD with a BIG 'G', BIG 'O', BIG 'D'), comes alongside you and confirms that HE is still working in your life and reminds you that HE has amazing plans for you!!
Thought life has been hard lately. My thoughts have attempted to overtake me; mind, body and soul. As Joyce Meyer writes "the battle is in the mind" and I can attest to that very truth. As Christians, if we find ourselves believing that we are 'above' such attacks, we are most likely already victim to the prey. (I Peter 5:8--Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.)
Im Romans 12:2, I read about the RENEWING of my mind. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
I asked myself if this scripture really said to TEST God's will??? I interpreted it as a yes, so, I asked God to show me His will.....and HE DID!!
A little background: I believe God told me years ago that His plans for my life are to share His love, to care for hurting people, and to help those in bondage find freedom. (Isaiah 61, my paraphrase) I have written about this before in previous posts. However recently, when I allowed the enemy to play games and toy with my mind, I questioned the very thing I knew was God's promise.
The confirmation of the test: Over the past 2 days, a handful of friends have contacted me with issues in their life. Friends from long ago, friends states away, friends I haven't spoken directly with in years, dear friends I hold as close as sisters. I count it an HONOR that these precious sisters trust me enough to confide in me, and ask for prayer and insight as they are walking through tough situations. As they shared, it brought tears to my eyes and grace to my memory that at one time, it took me being vulnerable enough to show my scars with them. Failures, mountain tops, valleys, victories. God has brought me to THIS PLACE for a reason. It is this reason, that gratitude fills my heart.
It is only by applying Jesus healing balm that I can look back over the 37 years of my life, and see that everything I've been through has passed through God's loving, cupped hands. It is these nail scarred, cupped hands of beauty that I am who I am today: broken yet healed!
Through God's cupped hands-my adoption was orchestrated; through God's cupped hands, my babies grew into men; through God's cupped hands-love arose; through God's cupped hands-death appeared; through God's cupped hands-grace abounds; through God's cupped hands-I can trust that nothing passes that I am unable to bear. This is our story...God's story. And with His hand, cupped around mine, we will continue, together, day by day.
This is God's will for my life: To love Him and love His people. Everything else is secondary.
2 Corinthians 1:3
He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.
Thought life has been hard lately. My thoughts have attempted to overtake me; mind, body and soul. As Joyce Meyer writes "the battle is in the mind" and I can attest to that very truth. As Christians, if we find ourselves believing that we are 'above' such attacks, we are most likely already victim to the prey. (I Peter 5:8--Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.)
Im Romans 12:2, I read about the RENEWING of my mind. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
I asked myself if this scripture really said to TEST God's will??? I interpreted it as a yes, so, I asked God to show me His will.....and HE DID!!
A little background: I believe God told me years ago that His plans for my life are to share His love, to care for hurting people, and to help those in bondage find freedom. (Isaiah 61, my paraphrase) I have written about this before in previous posts. However recently, when I allowed the enemy to play games and toy with my mind, I questioned the very thing I knew was God's promise.
The confirmation of the test: Over the past 2 days, a handful of friends have contacted me with issues in their life. Friends from long ago, friends states away, friends I haven't spoken directly with in years, dear friends I hold as close as sisters. I count it an HONOR that these precious sisters trust me enough to confide in me, and ask for prayer and insight as they are walking through tough situations. As they shared, it brought tears to my eyes and grace to my memory that at one time, it took me being vulnerable enough to show my scars with them. Failures, mountain tops, valleys, victories. God has brought me to THIS PLACE for a reason. It is this reason, that gratitude fills my heart.
It is only by applying Jesus healing balm that I can look back over the 37 years of my life, and see that everything I've been through has passed through God's loving, cupped hands. It is these nail scarred, cupped hands of beauty that I am who I am today: broken yet healed!
Through God's cupped hands-my adoption was orchestrated; through God's cupped hands, my babies grew into men; through God's cupped hands-love arose; through God's cupped hands-death appeared; through God's cupped hands-grace abounds; through God's cupped hands-I can trust that nothing passes that I am unable to bear. This is our story...God's story. And with His hand, cupped around mine, we will continue, together, day by day.
This is God's will for my life: To love Him and love His people. Everything else is secondary.
2 Corinthians 1:3
He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.
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