Tuesday, May 31, 2011


June 29, 2007

Dear Mr. ______:

As I’m sure you are well aware, Jay’s Completion Service is very soon. I wanted to take this opportunity to return something to Teen Challenge that has been precious to our family throughout this season of our lives. The scripture reference is found in Zechariah 4, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubabbel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubabbel you will become level ground. Then, he will bring out the capstone to shouts of “God Bless it! God Bless it!” Please allow me the liberty to explain:

During our very first visit to Teen Challenge in late March 2006, our boys, Christopher and Boston, were not on the best of terms with their father. As our family visit was winding down and we were preparing to leave, I remember Jay asking us to join hands and pray together. Our boys were so bitter they wouldn’t participate; nonetheless, Jay and I prayed together anyway. On the walk down to our car, I went ahead as Jay and the boys lagged behind talking. I peered back, and out of the corner of my eye I saw that our oldest son was crying. I watched as his father embraced him, and then I saw him bend over and pick up a rock from the gravel path.

My first thought was, “Oh no, he’s got a rock”, but he looked as if he had picked up a prize as he placed this rock deep into his pocket. By this time, we all were crying as we said our goodbyes and drove away. The only sound was the quiet tears and runny noses; that was until we got into Des Moines traffic. In the middle lane of I-80, I heard, “Mom, look at this rock!” I smiled to myself as I really wasn’t able to give the rock the “look” he truly wanted, but I played along anyway and said, “Ok, I see it.” He went on, “This is like my dad isn’t it? On one side of this rock, it’s really bumpy, jagged and sharp, that’s just like my dad before he left for Teen Challenge, but on the other side, it’s smooth, even and level, that’s just like how my dad will be after Teen Challenge, right!” Tears began to fill my eyes as I realized the changes beginning to take shape in my husband were evident to our children. It was a reminder to me of the redeeming power of our Father God who longs to heal our rough places and make us smooth again.

Since that day, we have proudly displayed this rock in our curio cabinet with other priceless family treasures. We have used this rock for the past 16 months as a focal point to pray for Jay while he has been at Teen Challenge. I realized a few weeks ago, that we won’t need this rock any longer. The next best thing to having a rock to remind us to pray for Jay, is having Jay himself! It is with the utmost humility and respect that I thank you! Thank you for allowing our family the opportunity to grow and learn during this season, and thank you for allowing us to “steal” this rock from the grounds so long ago. This experience has truly changed our lives!!! We will do as the above scripture instructs and continue to proclaim freedom to shouts of “God Bless It, God Bless It!!”

In His Love-

Jody Rhoden

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