Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Turning the page ... gracefully

I’m blogging again.  Not because my life is in disarray – but because it is peaceful – and in the midst of peaceful, there comes a time when the water is still and things you thought were buried deep begin to rise to the surface.  I find such solace in writing, in setting words free, so (deep breath), here I am picking up my pen. 

When I think about where my life used to be and where I am today, and I can’t help but feel my eyes moisten with gratitude.  I am truly thankful for my journey.  However, sometimes I think I focus too much on the journey and destination, that I miss some of the day to day.  

So, today:  

I find myself in a season of  "to be."  

 My boys are grown (that thought in itself is stirs some hefty emotions).  In just 16 days I will be gifted with a "daughter" as my firstborn is getting married!!  I always thought I'd have a girl - now I know that's her!  This dear girl is an absolute delight  -  She is the perfect answer to my prayers.

Let me just share it like this - my son is getting MARRIED - and I am so excited!!  This is one of the most important life decisions and an absolutely beautiful passage!  Nonetheless, as a mother, I feel as I'm experiencing a passage too.  I'm not sure how to name it;  I just know there is a tender place inside me filled with an unsettled anxiousness about my next chapter:  What will my life look like?  Will I be a good "mother-in-love"?  Have I taught my precious son all I can??

Reflecting is so delicate.  I often look back and wonder about the example I have been.  You see, life doesn't always unfold the way we plan.  I take inventory of my life and realize that I am indeed in an amazing place - a beautiful place - a safe place.  I am surrounded by delightful people who love & encourage me. 

And, I have grown two wonderful men - and they have grown me!  Therefore, I will indeed turn this page ... with God's grace.  

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