Friday, July 21, 2006


My husband is currently in a facility called "Teen Challenge". He has been there 4 months. Although, this is not the first treatment program he has been in, this is the first that 1) he volunteered for, and 2) is TOTALLY Christian based.

I have been reading "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldridge. It is a great book by the way!! I am learning so much about the woman God made when He created me!! Today, I read about God romancing me. That might sound crazy, but, think about it...what woman doesn't want to be romanced?? We were made with this in mind.

While reading, this sentence struck me: "A woman becomes beautiful when she knows she's loved." Since my husband has been away, my appearance has changed dramatically. I have lost a lot of weight, I am taking an effort in my appearance and I am exercising. All of these things help with my self esteem. I know I'm pretty, I am proud of the accomplishments I have made...I do feel beautiful!! BUT, honestly, NOTHING feeds my beauty more than KNOWING I am LOVED!! Knowing I am loved by my husband, by my children, by my parents, by my friends, but mostly, my beautiful identity comes from KNOWING I am loved by GOD - my father, my healer, my redeemer, my lover, my friend!!

Today, look in the mirror and ask God to show you what He sees when he looks at you. His answer just might surprise you!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"The Genesis Principle"

I thought I would start a blog to journal significant areas in my life I have learned and are learning from.

I am reading a book called "The Genesis Principle" and a couple of other ladies and I participate in a small group to discuss the book. We met last night and got "motivated" again to do some "warfare" in organizing our homes. The following happened to me as I began to clean out my closet.

I awoke this morning with a determined, inspired plan and an overwhelming feeling of motivation. My plan was to #1) separate. To accomplish this I had to try on EVERY PIECE of clothing. If the article of clothing was too big now, it was going to have to go. This was GREAT!! So, after my shower this morning, my work began.

I began trying on all types of jeans, capris and pants. The piles were really growing. It was AWESOME!! I then came to my dress section...and there it was..."the dress". In the midst of my weight loss challenges over the course of my lifetime I had bought a dress. This was no ordinary dress by the way. Let me tell you about it. This was a dress of much character. From the front it looked as a simple, elegant dress with a princess waist and scoop neckline, BUT, from the back, this dress has 3 bows and a peek-a-boo style open back that was absolutely breathtaking. Now you may be asking...Have I ever worn this dress?? The answer to your question is really not relevant at this time. But for the sake of this story, please note I have tried on this dress many times over the years....and each time, honestly, never ABLE to wear it even if I wanted to.

Anyway, I proceeded to follow my PLAN to try on all clothes in my closet. By this time, it's about 6:30 a.m. I placed the little black dress over my head and it proceeded to drop down around my body. I zipped it up and stood in front of the mirror. WOW!! The dress finally fit!! Although I realized at that moment, I had actually no place to wear this dress...I dismissed that thought as my plan was just to try on and see if it fits. I looked beautiful!! Even with wet hair and no makeup, the princess quality of this dress began filling my room. I glanced at the time and decided I had better continue with this closet cleanout. BUT, as I tried to remove the dress, I realized my WORST NIGHTMARE unfolding.

Picture this...alone in my house this morning as my boys are visiting with their grandpa for the week, robed in a beautiful dress, fit for a princess, only there is just one problem...THE ZIPPER IS STUCK!!! I pulled, pleaded, proded, pushed and no avail. It is 7:00 a.m. in the morning...what can I do?? Sure, I thought, I guess I could wear the dress to work, and then quite possibly, wear this dress for the rest of my life!! It was only after 30 minutes of being stuck in this dress that I swallowed my pride. I was forced to call my neighbor (my hero) who came to rescue me. THEN, with her help, after about 15 minutes of her "power", the zipper finally gave way!! FREEDOM!!

Needless to say, "Operation Closet Cleanout" took a little longer than I anticipated this morning and my motivation has senselessly slowed. Please be in prayer for me that tonight I can focus and be on task, and that NO MORE ZIPPERS will get stuck!!

God Bless It!!!