Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back to School

Today's the day!!! Today, our oldest son started high school, and our youngest son, middle school. I shared devotions with them this morning. I felt their excitement; I understood their concerns. My babies are embarking on the most exciting years of their lives.

Our oldest son has been practicing football for the past 2 months. He's living out his lifelong (14-year's now) dream!!! He played a practice game last week and I noted other players on the sidelines chatting and making numerous trips to the water cooler, but NOT him. He was intently scrutinizing every play, watching each move of the football. Yesterday though, his plans for the next few weeks changed.

He was riding his bike around our neighborhood, enjoying the last bit of summer vacation, when he took a detour. That detour consisted of a nose dive as he flipped over the handlebars of his bicycle, and "caught" himself with both arms. We ended up in the ER, once again, and the recurring news, "Yes, it's broken!"

Today, I am feeling an assortment of emotions. I asked one of my co-workers if this was a parental response to children embarking into the world of high school/middle school, OR, if it was because, into that journey of adulthood, one child is entering a little "handicapped". His response was, "Jody, just how many times have you had to deal with broken arms", my answer was unfortunately, "6 times", he said, "therefore, I'm sure you're feeling a normal parent's response because you should be a pro at dealing with broken arms!!" True enough, point taken. Thanks for the encouragement!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I apologize that it's been awhile since I've updated. So much has been going on in my life!!! I sense our family is in the middle of birthpains. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! God is doing exceedingly more than I have ever asked or imagined!! I feel as if I am being called to do things that are out of my comfort zone....but the cool part is "I'm willing to do them!" God is calling me to S - T - R - E - T - C - H!! The following scripture comes to mind. It's from The Message...

Isaiah 54

Spread Out! Think Big!

1-6 "Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby.
Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth!
You're ending up with far more children
than all those childbearing women." God says so!
"Clear lots of ground for your tents!
Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big!
Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.
You're going to need lots of elbow room
for your growing family.
You're going to take over whole nations;
you're going to resettle abandoned cities.
Don't be afraid—you're not going to be embarrassed.
Don't hold back—you're not going to come up short.
You'll forget all about the humiliations of your youth,
and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory.
For your Maker is your bridegroom,
his name, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!
Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel,
known as God of the whole earth.
You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief,
and God welcomed you back,
Like a woman married young
and then left," says your God.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Barely Escaped Death

A Miracle happened in my home today!!

About 4 months ago, my oldest son began complaining of back pain. We had been to the Doctor numerous times for this reason and one day, I noticed his mattress was in HORRIBLE shape!! I went to a local furniture store and purchased new beds for both of my boys.

About 2 months ago, I noticed one of the beds was starting to sag in the center. I called the furniture store where I purchased the beds. Today, the gentleman came from the furniture store to look at the problem. He took one good look at it, got down on his hands and knees, and exclaimed, "here's the problem". Granted, I had threatened my boy to have his room clean for this man, but I NEVER suspected that he would find something under his bed. The furniture man and I proceeded to lift off the mattress and stand the box springs upright. It was then that I saw the problem. This bed was broken!! This bed that was three months old, this bed that I bought for my boy and I cried because it was so expensive, this bed that I made him promise he would not jump in, this bed that I am still working to pay it off, this broken!!

It was at that very moment I asked the furniture store man to leave. I told him that there was about to be a miracle happen in my home. He looked at me...puzzled. I then told him that my boys (who were cowering in the hall by the way) were about to escape death!!

He kind of chuckled, but then he noticed "the look" in my eyes and he listened as I began to share my story. I told him that about 4 weeks ago, my boys used trash bags and a water hose to create "the coolest" water slide my front yard has ever known. Not only did they have a blast, but so did all the neighborhood kids. Do you know what numerous children sliding down your hill on trash bags does to your grass?? I then continued to share how the very day after the "water park" incident, my boys then decided to play "catch" in my living room with a quart of RED paint. Of course, the lid came off and of course, the RED paint spilt all over the carpet. The furniture store man then realized I was speaking truth, indeed a Miracle WAS about to happen in my house today!! He promptly excused himself and left, with me following short behind.

On my drive back to work, the Lord brought many thoughts to my mind. Most, I won't share with you, but this one was powerful. It's from a book I'm reading called Captivating and it's what I long for my life's mission to be. It is this, "Beauty offers mercy." The paragraph reads, "Beauty offers mercy. Boys-becoming-men are hard for a woman to understand. They act as if they don't need us anymore. Sometimes they act rudely in their emerging strength. I want to "come down" on him. But that is not what he needs from me. He needs mercy. A kind word, a smile. Grace at the end of the day. He softens toward me, and our relationship is recovered. A woman who is full of tender mercy and soft vulnerability is a powerful, lovely woman."

Lord, I want that for my life. I know I don't deserve it, I know that I've blown it, but I long for YOUR mercy Lord. How grateful I am when I realize that truly it's me who has "escaped death" from my own sin. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me!! Lord, please forgive me for my shortcomings...Yes, there was indeed a miracle in our house today!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006


I'd like to start this post by repeating something I recently read in a book, "Any idiot can handle a crisis, it's the day to day that I struggle with!!". AMEN!!

My washing machine has been on it's last leg for awhile now. Being the miserly shopper that I am, I have tried to limp it along in order to put off spending money. Yesterday, I finally came to terms that in the course of this waiting game, prices have NOT gotten any cheaper. So, I did it!! I purchased a machine.

Today, it was delivered and that's where the title of this post fits in...CHAOS, it was indeed!! The first delivery man was waiting at my house when I arrived from work, standing nose to noes with the garage door, the machine almost in his arms. He was ready!! He sets the new machine in the garage and we walk in the laundry room while he exclaimes, "WOW, this is old!! I can see why you're getting a new machine!"

Not that looks are the reason for a new machine, not that age is the reason for a new machine, (boy, that thought it itself could preach -- look at the inside buddy), but perhaps it was the fact that my old machine would only use HOT water, maybe it was the fact that about every 8 loads, you had to take the agitator off and unwind the article of clothing that had wound up and lodged around the greasy aditator.

Anyway, the technician attempted to move the machine out of my laundry room. In my best "womanly voice" I asked him, "Should I turn off the water to my entire house??" To which he replied, "no, not a problem." I trusted him. He was of course the PROFESSIONAL and I the meager woman. It was only after I was standing in a puddle of water that I realized the problem with that trust. Needless to say, with my new machine left sitting in the garage, the technician's parting words of wisdom were "call a plumber" and he left.

So, I called the store in which I purchased the machine and asked for a recommendation for a plumber. After sharing my story, the manager said he would be right over. To make a long, story short, I am now back at work. After 2-1/2 hours of a "FREE INSTALLATION" I am in fact, exhausted. It is amazing what a little "out of the ordinary" stress does to a person.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006 last

My boys returned home late last night. They spent last week with our youth group in Colorado Springs...which loosely translates into...I haven't spoken with these boys since the day they left...which happened to be my birthday...ok, ok, get focused here.

Anyway, as they unloaded the plush "chartered bus", I noticed a sweet spirit about them. Something was different. Could it be that all the "fasting" (because they were short on cash) had gotten to them, OR, could it be the loneliness of being away from mother (remember I said they NEVER called), OR, could it be that indeed God moved upon their lives?

As our evening unfolded, they began to share about their experiences of the past week. Amongst the "normal" boyish belching and the competitions of "passing gas", I sensed that God DID speak to these young men in a POWERFUL way!! Christopher said God revealed to him, he is to become a Worship Pastor!! That is so AWESOME!! Boston said his favorite part of this trip was NOT the white water rafting, NOT swimming at the 3 hotel pools, NOT the visit to the Air Force Academy, NOT gazing at the mountains, NOT the Garden of the Gods, BUT the Desperation Conference itself!! Isn't that just like God to let the one thing that "mommy" was nervous about (him sitting through a conference for three days), be the most life changing event thus far in his life!!

I can say with certainty, a great time was had by all!! Welcome home!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

God's up to something

I just returned from an outstanding, amazing, wonderful weekend at Teen Challenge. It was Wives Weekend so all 9 of the Wives of the guys in the program came for a weekend retreat. Norm Wenig was our guest speaker and he challenged us to begin a journal. I figure blog../..journal...ok, I can do this.

Throughout the weekend, God spoke many things to me. Some of the items I would like to share about today are:

1) I learned the root cause of my anger. When I was a child, my parents rarely disciplined. I learned in order to get my way, I had to throw a fit. As I got older, the "fits" I chose to throw had to get bigger and bigger. This method worked beautifully in my younger years. Unfortunately, now that I'm a tad bit older, no one likes me to act that way...including myself. Since I'm aware of the root cause, I am now able to deal with the issue.

2) I became aware that for the past 11 years, I have blamed Jay for all the "stuff" leading up to our divorce. Even now that we are remarried, in my mind, I continued to blame everything on him. It wasn't until Saturday, July 29 that I realized I, too, played a GREAT part in the demise of our marriage. After asking for forgiveness from the Lord, as well as my husband, I have found freedom.

3) I stand amazed as the Lord is beginning to challenge Jay and I in new areas of our lives:
a) Jay shared with me about having prophetic dreams.
b) We had a powerful visitation from the Lord regarding issues in my heart I have buried deep. I felt the Lord's arms actually holding me.
c) A deeper form of discernment is beginning to pour out on our entire family.
d) Freedom is upon us.

4) We visited an Assembly of God church in Ankeny, Iowa that was FILLED with the Spirit of God. It was a unique experience for me. I witnessed young boys and girls (ages 10-12) on their faces at the altar during Worship. One even had a "word of knowledge" for the Pastor about a healing that day. I learned about a Spirit of TRAVAIL. It was incredible!!

This was a life changing weekend. God is totally amazing!! There is so much more to share. I'm challenged to keep this journal as Pastor Norm has encouraged us to do. I'm sure that out of that challenge, more exciting posts will come. I'm looking forward to it.

God Bless It!!!