Wednesday, October 25, 2006

One Night with the King

I clearly remember the day I got married (both times). They were beautiful, fit for a princess. I was young, naive, and blind (both times). I see how my mind is being transformed from the "fairy tale" idea of marriage, to the pure essence of who I was created to be in Christ.

Recently, I had opportunity to watch the motion picture "One Night with the King", the story of Hadassah. I've read and studied this book in the Bible, but seeing it on the big screen, even if Hollywood style, takes it to another level. Watching the scenes unfold, witnessing the seize-the-day opportunity that ONE WOMAN took. The courage and prayers in Esther's life changed history for her people, as well as people for generations to come.

I want to encourage you with this question to ponder...
What difference will you allow your courage and prayers to make??

Monday, October 09, 2006


WOW!! Another amazing weekend at Teen Challenge, oh how I love being with my husband. At church yesterday, Jay again had opportunity to share his testimony. It was powerful! I am so excited about what the Lord has done, is doing, and will continue to do, in our lives. Day by day, step by step, He is guiding us, teaching us, encouraging us, and preparing us.

As I was at lunch today, I was listening to some awesome teaching by Joyce Meyer. She said something that stirred the very depths of my heart,

"God has to get me prepared for the place he's already prepared for me!"

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement and would covet your prayers in this area as I am believing this for my family. God Bless It!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

A Personal Tribute to Human Life

The Decision

In the 1970s, abortion was an easily accessible option for young, single, unwed mothers. At 1:23 p.m., July 26, 1973, a scared, vulnerable, 18-year old catholic girl made a decision. Despite the stigma of her family, and the opinion of her peers, she elected to place the child she was carrying up for adoption. This child was not unwanted. This child was deeply loved. So deeply loved that this mother desired more for this child than she was able to give. Ironically enough though, she did give. By her decision, she gave this child life. She allowed this child a future and a hope.

This mother could have easily opted for abortion. No one would have ever had to know. No one but her own conscience and her heavenly Father. Thankfully, this mother chose life. She chose to give the very essence of a life that had shared each breath and every movement with her the past nine months. No matter how hard the decision, this mother gave life over death, joy over destruction, destiny over fatality.

The Plan

Across the state line a mother and father waited. They desperately wanted a child, as they had been registered on an adoption waiting list for over 7 years. One evening, unexpectedly, their telephone rang. It was their caseworker and she informed them she had great news. She then reported that on July 26 at 1:23 p.m., a woman had given birth to a baby who was ready to be placed for adoption. So, with great excitement, the caseworker informed this couple they had a baby waiting.

With longing eyes, hopeful hearts and grateful smiles these first time parents made their way to the adoption agency. Despite the fact that they had never before seen this child, never felt the softness of this child's skin or held this child's tiny hand, love began to birth from their hearts. This mother always said that even though this child did not grow inside her womb, this child grew in her heart. These first time parents accepted their indescribable gift and raised this child with incredible amounts of love and joy.

The Life

The courses of these mothers lives from the 26th of July in 1973 were totally different, yet very similar. Both mothers gave life, one by delivery, one by acceptance. Both mothers gave character, one by heredity, one by instruction. Both mothers gave hope, one by birth, one by guidance. No one can fathom the gratitude I personally have toward these two women. You see, I AM THE CHILD! I want everyone to know how thankful I am not to be a statistic, to have had a chance at life and for the opportunities I have had. Words cannot express my gratitude for two women who believed in me from inception as a human being and for my heavenly Father who had it all planned out from the beginning.