Wednesday, August 02, 2006 last

My boys returned home late last night. They spent last week with our youth group in Colorado Springs...which loosely translates into...I haven't spoken with these boys since the day they left...which happened to be my birthday...ok, ok, get focused here.

Anyway, as they unloaded the plush "chartered bus", I noticed a sweet spirit about them. Something was different. Could it be that all the "fasting" (because they were short on cash) had gotten to them, OR, could it be the loneliness of being away from mother (remember I said they NEVER called), OR, could it be that indeed God moved upon their lives?

As our evening unfolded, they began to share about their experiences of the past week. Amongst the "normal" boyish belching and the competitions of "passing gas", I sensed that God DID speak to these young men in a POWERFUL way!! Christopher said God revealed to him, he is to become a Worship Pastor!! That is so AWESOME!! Boston said his favorite part of this trip was NOT the white water rafting, NOT swimming at the 3 hotel pools, NOT the visit to the Air Force Academy, NOT gazing at the mountains, NOT the Garden of the Gods, BUT the Desperation Conference itself!! Isn't that just like God to let the one thing that "mommy" was nervous about (him sitting through a conference for three days), be the most life changing event thus far in his life!!

I can say with certainty, a great time was had by all!! Welcome home!!

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