Thursday, January 06, 2011


Wow, So much has changed since my last update here. I don't even know if anyone blogs anymore. Nonetheless, writing is like a therapy for me. I've been through enough therapy in my life to know that with therapy comes healing, so (deep breath), my therapy is beginning...again.

Jay passed away. Reports say that it was carbon monoxide poisioning. As hard as that is to wrap my mind around, the thought of peaceful sleep brings solice. The circumstances surrounding his death have brought about a media freenzy. Reporters even showed up at the memorial service.

Having never dealt with grief on this level, at one week and 3 days under my belt at the time of this writing, I do agree with others that time does help. Still, it is hard.

My new husband, Andy, is such a dear man. Who would have thought that after a year and a half of marriage, we would be walking through this? The boys are dealing with their own set of feelings. Together, we are studying "Heaven" and what a beautiful place that is. Also, in Jay's honor, we are preparing a city-wide coat/blanket outreach.

Life, as we all have known it, has changed. In a way, time has sped up but also there are moments where time has ticked and ticked, and minute by minute we have just survived the day.

All in all, I KNOW God has a plan....still!

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